OpenStack and Kubernetes integration options

In-tree OpenStack provider in Kubernetes repository

Traditional option --cloud-provider and cloud-config in kubelet, kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager

Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) in Kubernetes repository

Temporary stop gap binary cloud-controller-manager that has both --cloud-provider and --cloud-config command line params. Need to set --cloud-provider=external for the other kubernetes binaries.

Also use the --external-cloud-volume-plugin command line parameter in kube-controller-manager to use the in-tree cinder volume plugin. Note that the provisioner name for the in-tree volume plugin is

External OpenStack provider

Mostly the same code as CCM, but code moved out of the main kubernetes repository. --cloud-provider is hard coded to openstack. --cloud-config needs to be specified.

Similar to CCM, you can use the --external-cloud-volume-plugin in kube-controller-manager until support for that flag is dropped.

Scenarios tested: - External LBaaS with Neutron LBaaSv2 - Internal LBaaS with Neutron LBaaSv2 - LVM / iSCSI with Cinder - Ceph / RBD with Cinder

TODO: - Test LBaaS scenarios with Octavia

Kubernetes Keystone Webhooks

There are two scenarios, authentication and authorization. They can be configured/used independently. There is support in the kubectl CLI for OpenStack auth provider. This provider can pick up the usual OS_* env vars and use them to talk to kube api server. However you need the auth webhook to authenticate the tokens.

The authorization is a WIP. the initial thought was to provide a way similar to OpenStack Keystone policy files to do some authorization checks. You can just use the kubernetes builtin RBAC support.

Cinder Standalone provisioner

Tested with LVM / iSCSI and Ceph / RBD scenarios. The provisioner name is You can use this along with the External OpenStack provider or CCM.

Cinder Flex volume driver

WIP - There is some code, needs to be tested

Cinder CSI driver

WIP - There is some example code in a SIG-storage repo. Need to investigate