Standalone-cinder external provisioner

The standalone-cinder external provisioner fulfills persistent volume claims by creating cinder volumes and mapping them to natively supported volume sources. This approach allows cinder to be used as a storage service whether or not the cluster is deployed on Openstack. By mapping cinder volume connection information to native volume sources, persistent volumes can be attached and mounted using the standard kubelet machinery and without help from cinder.

Mapping cinder volumes to native PVs

The provisioner works by mapping cinder volume connections (iscsi, rbd, fc, etc) to the corresponding native/raw kubernetes volume types. New cinder types can be supported in the provisioner by creating a new implementation of the volunmeMapper interface. The implementation is responsible for building a PersistentVolumeSource from cinder connection information and for setup and teardown of any authentication (CHAP secret, cephx secret, etc) if required.

Support for cinder backends without a corresponding kubernetes raw volume implementation could be added in the future by providing a FlexVolume implementation for the type.

Connecting to cinder

The provisioner directly uses the gophercloud SDK to connect to cinder (as opposed to use of the cloudprovider interface). The intention is to support two modes of operation: a conventional cinder deployment with keystone managing authentication and providing the service catalog, and a standalone configuration where cinder is accessed directly.

Conventional cinder deployments can be used by supplying a clound config file identical to the one you would use to configure an openstack cloud provider.


User Kubernetes Provisioner Cinder
Provision storage
Issue a PVC for a 100GB RWO volume
Posted the PVC on API server
Acquire the PVC and call cinder create
Create 100GB volume and return info
Call cinder reserve
Volume is marked as reserved/attaching
Call cinder os-initialize_connection
Create connection on storage server and return info (ISCSI target and LUN info)
Create PV using ISCSI as raw volume type using connection info
Bind the PV to the PVC
Use storage
Create a Pod including the PVC
Attach ISCSI PV to node
Create filesystem on device and mount into Pod
Pod is running
Delete Pod
Pod is stopped
Unmount filesystem
Delete storage
Delete PVC
Call cinder os-terminate_connection
Remove connection on storage server
Call cinder unreserve
Volume is marked as available
Call cinder delete
Delete volume from storage
Delete PV